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From JS. I would like you to know that I have enjoyed my foray into yoga immensely. It was a year ago today that I started. I had no idea what to expect. I found the atmosphere very welcoming, the relaxed nature of your approach encouraging, and the whole experience enjoyable. I particularly appreciated your tolerance of those of us who aren't quite so bendy as others!” From DB. I am a 50 year old woman and I came to your Yoga class in Harpenden following: - a couple of years of intermittent (and expensive) courses of physiotherapy following several minor whiplash-type injuries resulting from falls - one private session of pilates with a physiotherapist (occasioning damage to my back as well as my neck!) - about a year of downward dog (at least it felt like that) in another, very demanding yoga class. I have attended your classes for about 2 years now and wish to share my experience in a way which could benefit yourself and others. I find repetitive exercise boring, even when I know it is valuable so I have been especially surprised and pleased by the design of your classes which: - follow a similar and symmetrical structure: Relaxation; Warm-up; Exercising all muscle groups in turn (alternating sitting/standing/lying etc.) with Balances and Counter poses; Words from wise men and women; Use of a Mudra and the Breath to aid mental state; Deep Relaxation. -are each unique because within the common structure every one is built around a different theme (eg. style of yoga) or part of the body to which many of the individual elements are linked. -build on what we have previously learnt (eg. by integrating individually learnt elements into a yoga flow, or by extending the stretches already learnt); always encouraging me to try more without making me feel I have to do more than I am able. - embody the concept of balance, which seems central to yoga, for example, in alternating active/passive, left/right, up/down, mind/body, stretch/rest etc. I never feel stupid or inflexible; you communicate very clearly by example and with words how to complete each new exercise. If I am ever afraid there might be a moment when a part of my brain is not fully occupied by the exercise I am practicing I can rely on the knowing that I may use that spare capacity to appreciate the beauty of the design of the yoga class itself and how it forms a part of a greater design for the series of classes. Relieved of such a fear I can 'let go' mentally and focus all my mental energy on the yoga itself. I feel you perceive the participants of the class as individuals. You use our names and are attentive to our concerns (for example, you know I like classical music for relaxation and I appreciate the fact that you use it frequently in your sessions). I would continue your classes for all these reasons but I feel I also should end where I began, by saying that since I began your classes I have not had any falls or neck problems, despite occasional inner ear/balance problems. I attribute this almost entirely to yoga's strengthening (without injury) of some of the damaged muscles in my neck and elsewhere which had previously made my neck particularly vulnerable to injury. Thank you for the professionalism and dedication you have put into our yoga classes. They are Wonderful. You are Wonderful. Thank you so much for all your wonderful teaching and gentle, light hearted ways with your classes. My Monday yoga not only sets me up for the week, but much more than that, your classes have been one of the few things that have kept me going over the last few years which have been quite stressful for me. They have helped a great deal both physically and mentally.